Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Loli(Ta)lk: "Under the Sea" - Amsterdam Impressions

The Event is over and I left Amsterdam one day earlier than planned because I became sick. Now I'm sitting at home and trying to defeat the cold I catched. Luckily my body managed to stay as fit as possible so that I had no bigger Problems during the Event.

Here are some Shots of Amsterdam that I made:

This Picture is from the Sunday-Location. I love this chandelier <3

My Outfits:

Yes, it's AKIRA on the right! She was so patient! I suspect almost everybody asked for a Picture on Sunday. There where waiting lines through the whole room.

And there where that many People at the Event. And everybody looked so damn beautiful. Aaaahhh I felt soooo underdressed.

Here are some YouTube-Videos I found:


I'm in this Video...more than once! I didn't knew ^^

Here is the offical Gallerys:

And here are Blogs with Reviews:
Puppenschloss Blogspot
Marinette in Wonderland Blogspot
Roselolitawonderland Blogspot
Roselolitawonderland (Post 2) 
Luniechan Blogspot 
Roselolitawonderland Blogspot 
Marietuonetar Blogspot