Isn't that a Lolita Dream??? I want to jump into this Picture!! <3 |
Lolita + Talk = Loli(ta)lk! I'm planing to use this "Word-Creation" for all my future Lolita-Posts or would you prefer "Loli-Talk" or simply "Lolita Talk"? You can leave a comment ;)
How I discovered Lolita
I first discovered Lolita during a Convention. I saw some Sweet-Lolitas, all in Pink and I thought "Oh my God, this is horrible". WTF? Some of you will say. Well, I never really liked pink. It's just not my colour. But these Sweet Lolitas with their Pink Outfits remained in my Head. I couldn't forget them and a few month later I startet my research. I learned about the different Styles and my Interest grew and grew. I discovered, that Lolita isn't only sweet and pink. Another few month later I decided, that I want to try Lolita myself, but how? How can I create a Lolita Outfit? Where can I get Dresses, Skirts and all this other beautiful Accessories? And how and where would I be able to wear Lolita-Fashion and meet other Lolitas? Only on Cosplay Conventions??
A lot of Questions...well I was a bit planless. I asked Prof. Dr. Google and found fanplusfriend.com. I decided to order two Outfits and some Accessories.
(If you would like to have a fanplusfriend-Review, please leave me a comment).
At the same time, I found a local Lolita-Group. I saw that they will have a Meet-Up in a few weeks and decided to go there and try my luck. Too bad my F+F-Order would never reach me on time. Thats why I had to create a Lolita-Outfit out of Items from my past Gothic-Days.
What Lolita means to me?
If you would ask me "Do you think, your pretty?", I would say "Definitely, no!". I'm not pretty and I'm not beautiful. I'm a normal girl. Normally I don't use much Make-up (only BB-Cream, nothing else) and my clothes...well, always Jeans, a T-Shirt/Pullover sometimes a Blouse and Sneakers. Very casual. But if I have the chance to wear Lolita - what is only for Meet-ups - I take my time to make the full Make-up and if you would ask me then again, I would say "Yes, I think I'm pretty". Beside the self-confidence that Lolita gives me, I found new Friends through this Fashion, what is even more important.
A few weeks ago I went to a Meet-Up and...don't ask me how, this day was magical. I saw the Picures a few days later and thought "Wow, I'm damn beautiful on this Pictures". It made me so happy, I can't discripe it...
And that is, what Lolita means to me: Fashion, Beauty, Friends, a good time and happiness.
Lolita-Styles and Brands
My Favorit Style is Classic, but I also like Gothic, Pirate and Steampunk. I would also like to try Military or Sailor some day =)
Most JSKs in my closet are from Alice and the Pirates and Angelic Pretty. Whats your Favorit Style and Brand?
Yeayyy it's done. My first real Post ^^
See you soon! |